Importance of continuity training for productivity and efficiency

Continuity training or continuing education as a concept is more famous in the medical profession. You will find doctors and specialists taking part in conferences and continuing medical education regularly. It is important for all professionals to take a leaf out of the medical profession and actively take part in continuity training within the workplace. We are presently in an era where the very nature of the workplace and the tools that are used have evolved. As a result some employees still find it difficult to adapt to different or emerging environments, due to a lack of knowledge about changes. In other words, the lack of continuity training impacts the ability of individuals to perform.
Statistics indicate that millennials will be the largest cohort in the workplace. This is because of the changing demographics. However, it is also important to understand that employees also prefer millennials for specific roles, when it comes to a choice between people of two generations. This is mainly because of the ability of millennials to use tools and digitization more effectively. Anand Mishra Tathastu Information stated “as digital natives, millennials are more comfortable working with the latest tools”. This becomes a drawback for employees of other generations. This is mainly because of the inability of individuals to adapt to the new tools used in the ecosystem.

Continuity training is not only about these aspects but touches every single aspect of the workplace. This could be an employee in the HR department, it could be someone in the marketing and sales department, or it could be anyone handling technical operations. Changes are constant, and changes are touching every single aspect of business activities. Employees who receive training to tackle new requirements and handle new tools are more likely to be motivated in addition to being more efficient at the workplace. It actually costs lesser to train an employee and make him or more suitable for the role, than to look for a new employee. It is not only the direct costs that matter, but also the impact of interruptions on routine business operations.
Training motivates employees, and most importantly helps to develop loyalty at the workplace. An employee who finds himself or herself confident of handling job responsibilities and requirements at the workplace will find it easier to stick to the job. And an employee who is unable to handle job requirements is more likely to be a disgruntled employee. It is possible that an employee who is not the perfect fit for the role may end up leaving the organization due to his lack of skills. Regardless of the reason attributed to the situation, the fact remains that unsatisfied employees are always a risk to the organization. It is therefore important to keep employees satisfied and motivated through every possible means, and this includes the all-important continuity training to equip the employee to handle all requirements.